Congregations & Communities

Congregations and communities are at the forefront of the Reform Movement's social action work, from direct service to local advocacy.

Congregations are at the forefront of the Reform Movement's social action work, from direct service to local advocacy. Here you will find tools, programming ideas, resources, and funds for multiple aspects of social action work geared toward congregations and local communities.

Join us in the Tent, the Reform Movement's communications and collaboration platform for leaders. 

Brit Olam - Covenant with Our World

The Brit Olam is a guidepost and a framework, helping congregations move social justice closer to the center of their communities. It is a tool to help your leadership strengthen congregational social justice endeavors, engage more members in this important work, and connect your congregation more deeply to our Movement’s social justice priorities.

The Brit Olam can support your leadership in facilitating a conversation among key stakeholders about your community’s social justice efforts. Going through the process of signing the Brit Olam, with the support of text-based resources, can help to advance your social justice goals and inspire moral leadership and congregational action. To date, nearly 250 congregations across North America have signed the Brit Olam. To learn more and to engage your leadership in a conversation about signing on, please visit the Brit Olam Communities Group in the Tent.

Community Dancing

Resources for Rabbis

Here you can find sample sermons and "sermon starters" on a variety of issues, holiday guides, creative resources to blend social justice into worship and preaching, and more.

Irving J. Fain Awards

The biennial Irving J. Fain Awards honor URJ congregations doing exemplary work to bring about a world filled with wholeness, justice, and compassion.

Holiday Guides

The Jewish holidays are significant celebrations of the history and traditions of the Jewish people, and offer an important opportunity to reflect on the enduring Jewish value of tikkun olam, world repair.

How to Start a Social Justice Book Club

Reform Jews across North America come together in their own communities to read, explore and discuss social justice-themed books. RAC Reads provides thought-provoking stories and tools to get your family, congregation, and community talking about racial justice.

Synagogue Security Funding & Policies

Congregational Resources from URJ Audacious Hospitality

Audacious Hospitality is the Reform Jewish Movement's focused effort on Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (REDI) work. Find resources, including our congregational toolkit, to help you make your community more equitable and inclusive.

audacious hospitality Resources