Racial Justice

The Reform Movement works in partnership with representatives from diverse communities to fight the structural racism that is embedded in our society and to advance justice for all people.


The United States simply cannot achieve the values of “justice for all” to which it aspires until we address ongoing racism in all sectors and at all levels of society. Despite the abolishment of slavery in 1865, systemic oppression, police violence, and racial discrimination against Black Americans and people of Color continues today. Lynchings, Jim Crow laws, restricted access to the ballot box, a biased criminal justice system, and redlining are just some examples of how racial inequity has been sustained in American life. Systemic disparities and injustices will endure unless proactive steps are taken to acknowledge and eliminate them. The Reform Movement works across lines of difference to fight the structural racism that is embedded in our society and to advance justice for all people, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Why We Care about Racial Justice

In the Torah, Jews are taught to accept others, without prejudice or bias. The Torah states "You shall not hate your kinsfolk in your heart. Reprove your kinsman, but incur no guilt because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself: I am the Eternal" (Leviticus 19: 17-18). Our Jewish tradition is replete with instances of moral reckoning when we are asked to be present and accounted for. “Ayecha?” we are asked. “Where are you?” We respond with a full throated, “Hineinu.” “We are here.”

As Reform Jews committed to the spirit of this teaching, we say unequivocally, Black Lives Matter. To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to commit to a human and civil rights movement, working to end systemic racism against Black people and white supremacy.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to recognize that we are a racially diverse Reform Jewish Movement, and that our diversity is a source of our strength.

The Reform Movement's Racial Justice Campaign

The Reform Movement’s Racial Justice Campaign builds on our Civic Engagement Campaign where our Movement focused on combatting voter suppression, particularly impacting Communities of Color. This campaign will address systemic racism by demanding policy change on both a state and federal level and will also push members of our community to do essential Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) and antiracism work within our communities and ourselves.

Take Action Now!

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Support the Study and Development of Reparations for Slavery and Systemic Racism

The ongoing wounds of slavery and more than four centuries of entrenched racial oppression continues to impact every part of American society. Urge your elected officials to cosponsor H.R. 40, Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act when it is introduced in the 117th Congress.  

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Urge Congress to enact policing reforms

George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and Dreasjon “Sean” Reed are just some of the latest victims of the nation’s long history of brutality against People of Color, and particularly Black men.Urge your members of Congress to support comprehensive policing reforms in the 117th Congress.

Reform Judaism's Resolutions on Racial Justice

Learn more about the position of the Reform Movement on these key issues, and read the formal resolutions by URJ and CCAR.

View URJ Resolutions 

From CCAR:

learning books

Educational Materials

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Observe Black History Month Using These Jewish Resources

Resources by Black, biracial, and multiracial Jews to help the Jewish community more fully embrace the diversity of Reform Judaism

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Racial Justice Media List: Films, Books, and More

The Union for Reform Judaism shares a robust list of books, films, podcasts, and more to delve into antiracism work and provide a look into institutional racism, privilege, and the lived experiences of Jews of Color.

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More Racial Justice Resources

Find more materials designed for synagogues and communities to spur learning and conversation about racial diversity, about the deep racial disparities that afflict our society, and about how Reform Jews can continue to work for racial justice.

Engage Your Congregation

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How to Start a Social Justice Book Club

Reform Jews across North America come together in their own communities to read, explore and discuss social justice-themed books. RAC Reads provides thought-provoking stories and tools to get your family, congregation, and community talking about racial justice.

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Congregational Resources from URJ Audacious Hospitality

Find resources, including our congregational toolkit, created by the URJ Audacious Hospitality team to help you make your community more equitable and inclusive.

What's New

Year One Reflection: The First Jews of Color Cohort

August 15, 2022
As the Racial Justice LA, my work is rooted in my belief systems and experiences as a JOC. Not only do I get to be the person I never saw growing up, but I hope to help create more opportunities for those like me in the future. And as I finish up my first year at the RAC, I am eager to make my mark as I continue my work for another year to advocate to end the death penalty, pass legislation to study reparations for Black Americans, expand and protect the right to vote for all as we approach the primaries, and push for true policing reform. Those who are disproportionately harmed by these issues don’t have the benefit of growing up in communities who claim to be color blind. The world sees and treats us differently.

Two Out of Two

February 15, 2022
As a graduate of both Tougaloo College and Jackson State University, the recent bomb threats to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are personal to me. Since January 2022, over a dozen HBCUs have received bomb threats; several of those threats were received on the first day of Black history month. The continuous attacks on institutions of higher learning; places of worship and individual attacks are a direct threat to our everyday existence.

Related Press Releases

RAC-IL Celebrates Signing of Fair Housing Legislation

Yesterday, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed HB 2775, a historic bill that prohibits source of income discrimination in housing. The Illinois Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-IL), encompassing 50,000 Reform Jews in 25 congregations, worked with the Illinois Coalition for Fair Housing to secure passage of this bill.

Related Issues

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Civil Rights & Voting Rights

Since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Jewish community has continued its support of civil rights laws addressing systemic discrimination in voting, housing, and employment against women, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities.


Criminal Justice Reform

There is growing evidence that race and poverty play a role in determining who gets arrested, who gets a fair trial, and how those convicted are sentenced. 

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What is Black Lives Matter?

Black Lives Matter is a human and civil rights movement, working to end systemic racism against Black people. Here is a quick primer on the movement, its principles, and more.

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Reparations can take many forms and, in practice, these measures may manifest as congressional hearings, a national apology, the institution of government programs, creation of tax incentives for Black-owned businesses, educational stipends for Black Americans, individual or community compensation, or other approaches.

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Engage Your Congregation

hand holding a megaphone, voting buttons, and hands raised

Every Voice, Every Vote

The Reform Jewish Movement’s 2022 Every Voice, Every Vote Campaign is a nonpartisan effort, grounded in our Jewish values and commitment to racial justice, to strengthen our democracy by encouraging and protecting voter participation.

Contact Our Legislative Assistants

For more information on this issue, contact Eisendrath Legislative Assistant Israel Harris.