


Every Voice, Every Vote: What's Next

- ET
23 Heshvan 5783
This is a virtual event
Join us for a post-election call during which we will celebrate the success of our campaign, reflect on and evaluate our impact, and commit to next steps to act for justice in 2023.
Torah Portion

Chayei Sarah

Genesis 23:1−25:18
25 Heshvan 5783
Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31

Sarah lived to be 127 years old--such was the span of Sarah's life. - Genesis 23:1

Torah Portion


Genesis 25:19−28:9
2 Kislev 5783
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:7

This is the line of Isaac son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac. - Genesis 25:19


The Importance of Embracing and Affirming Our Grandchildren’s Many Identities

- ET
5 Kislev 5783 to 28 Kislev 5783
This is a virtual event
Children are growing up in a world that is new to many of us. Terms like "non-dominant identities", "REDI" (racial equity, diversity and inclusion), "transgender" and "nonbinary" may feel unfamiliar and even uncomfortable. These sessions will provide us with foundational knowledge, shared language, and inclusive practices so that we can better demonstrate our unconditional love and support for the important young people in our lives.