High Holidays

Year of Tzedek

Congregation creates a year of programs and opportunities to reflect on and perform tzedakah. Community Contact Information: Mt. Zion Temple St. Paul, MN www.mzion.org Goals: Support and sustain congregational involvement in social justice issues. Support local charitable organizations.

Year Long Commitment to Tikkun Olam

Social Action calendar was created to allow congregants to choose activities that fit in their schedule. Community Contact Information: Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Indianapolis, IN www.ihcindy.org Goals: Make social action a flexible “one stop shopping” for the congregants.

Underwear Month

During the High Holy Days and following month, congregation collects packages of underwear to distribute to local homeless community. Community Contact Information: Temple Micah Washington, D.C. http://www.templemicah.org/ Goals: Providing necessary, but often overlooked, items to the homeless.

Tzedekah Mutual Fund

A new and successful program to educate congregants about diverse disaster relief initiatives and to raise funds to support people in need throughout the world.