The Reform Movement's Racial Justice Campaign

In 2020, the Reform Movement launched Every Voice, Every Vote: The Reform Movement’s Civic Engagement Campaign with a focus on combatting voter suppression that particularly suppresses the votes and voices of Communities of Color. As Reform Jews, we are called to continue the fight for racial justice and fulfill the sacred work of creating a more just, compassionate, and whole world.

This campaign will address systemic racism by demanding policy change on the national level to ensure the U.S. federal Freedom to Vote and on the state level to advocate for racially just policies. It will also focus on reforming Canadian federal mandatory minimum laws and will push members of the Reform Jewish community to do essential Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) and antiracism work within our communities and ourselves.

Find information and resources below about our national, Canadian, state, and REDI/ antiracism work and learn how to get involved in this crucial work.


What's New

Year One Reflection: The First Jews of Color Cohort

August 15, 2022
As the Racial Justice LA, my work is rooted in my belief systems and experiences as a JOC. Not only do I get to be the person I never saw growing up, but I hope to help create more opportunities for those like me in the future. And as I finish up my first year at the RAC, I am eager to make my mark as I continue my work for another year to advocate to end the death penalty, pass legislation to study reparations for Black Americans, expand and protect the right to vote for all as we approach the primaries, and push for true policing reform. Those who are disproportionately harmed by these issues don’t have the benefit of growing up in communities who claim to be color blind. The world sees and treats us differently.

Watch the Racial Justice Campaign Launch

This is a recording of our campaign launch on April 28th, 2021.

Cardboard sign reading WE STAND AGAINST RACISM

What You Need to Know about the Racial Justice Campaign

This campaign aims to help dismantle systemic racism by educating, inspiring, and empowering individuals and communities to look inwardly to make communal change and outwardly to win legislative change.


justice, justice sign

More Racial Justice Resources

Find materials designed for synagogues and communities to spur learning and conversation about systemic racism, racial diversity, and about how Reform Jews can continue to work for racial justice.