State-Based Projects


As a project of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, RAC-NJ seeks to organize across lines of difference to ensure that our Reform Jewish values, including pikuach nefesh (saving lives), chesed (compassion), and tzedek (justice), are included in policymaking as our state leaders work to build a more just and compassionate society for all New Jersey residents.


RAC-IL currently includes more than 25 Reform synagogues (over 80% of our movement), representing more than 50,000 Reform Jews in our state.


The California Religious Action Center (RAC-CA) brings together the Reform Jewish congregations and communities of California to organize powerfully across lines of race, class, and faith. Together, we will achieve a more just and compassionate California.


The Ohio Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-OH) is an organizing community bringing Reform Jews from across Ohio together in the pursuit of justice in our state. It was created in the belief that we can create a more just and compassionate Ohio together.