

Torah Portion

Tazria - M’tzora

Leviticus 12:1-15:33
1 Iyar 5783
Haftarah: II Kings 7:3-20 [historic: Isaiah 66:1-24]
Rosh Chodesh

The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying: "Speak to the Israelite people thus: When a woman at childbirth bears a male, she shall be impure seven days; she shall be impure as at the time of her condition of menstrual separation." - Leviticus 12:1-2

The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying: "This shall be the ritual for a leper at the time of being purified ." - Leviticus 14:1-2


Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut

3 Iyar 5783 to 5 Iyar 5783

Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) are observed in Israel as national holidays.

Torah Portion

Acharei Mot - K’doshim

Leviticus 16:1-20:27
8 Iyar 5783
Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15

The Eternal One spoke to Moses after the death the two sons of Aaron who died when they drew too close to the presence of the Eternal. - Leviticus 16:1

The Eternal One spoke to Moses saying: "Speak to the whole Israelite community and say to them: You shall be holy, for I, the Eternal your God, am holy." - Leviticus 19:1-2

Torah Portion


Leviticus 21:1−24:23
15 Iyar 5783
Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15-31

The Eternal One said to Moses: "Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: None shall defile himself for any [dead] person among his kin, . . ."  - Leviticus 21:1


Lag BaOmer

17 Iyar 5783 to 18 Iyar 5783

Lag BaOmer is a minor, festive holiday that falls on the 33rd day of the seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot, a period of time is known as the Omer.